Everyday LOL Life

About League of Legends Skin, Build and More

Photo - Sunset After Rain

It rained in Sao Paulo again. I hated so much, but loved to see sunset after rain. Sunset After Rain

League of Legends - Skin

Hello Guys, there is a OP bottom lane Combination! Armor of Tthe Fifth Age Taric + Heartseeker Varus = OP GAY BOTTOM LANE COMBINATION! (Everyone will run away! To dodge Taric's E and Varus's R)

League of Legends - Skin: Ashe & Warwick

League of Legends Skin News New Skins for Ashe and Warwick will be released SOON! The name of the New Skin is MARAUDER ASHE & WARWICK -------------------------------------------------------- MARAUDER ASHE & WARWICK Splash Art of Marauder A…

League of Legends - Skin: Sivir & Nautilus

League of Legends Skin News New Skins for Sivir and Nautilus will be released SOON! The name of the New Skin is WARDEN SIVIR & NAUTILUS -------------------------------------------------------- WARDEN SIVIR & NAUTILUS Splash Art of Warden S…

League of Legends - Rek'Sai

League of Legends New Champion News Today, I'm going to write about skills for Rek'Sai. Rek'Sai splash art

Photo - Raining Day

It rained a lot in Sao Paulo today. I have some photos taken from my apartment. Raining Day

League of Legends - New Champion: Rek'Sai

League of Legends New Champion News Recently, there was a video released for a New Champion.The name of the new champion that is going to be released is Rek'Sai I think his ultimate is little bit OP, but who knows what is going to happen i…

League of Legends - Azir: Build

Today, I'm going to write about a build for Azir. It has been about 2 months since the release, but not many people are using him. Azir is an AP champion. And now let's start. Azir Job: Mage or fighter Costs: 975 RP or 6300 IP Lane: Mid or…

League of Legends - Twisted Fate: Build

Today, I'm going to write about a build for Twisted Fate. Personally, he is one of my favorite champions. Twisted Fate is an AP champion, although I've seen some AD Twisted Fate And now let's start.

League of Legends - Kayle: Build

Today, I'm going to write about a build for Kayle. I also play as him a lot. Kayle is an AP champion, but AD is also ok. And now let's start.

League of Legends - Gnar: Build

Today, I'm going to write about a build for Gnar. It seems like more people started to use Gnar. Gnar is a champion at the 3rd highest banning rate with 44% banning rate. Gnar is an AD champion. And this is the first AD champion that I'm w…

League of Legends - Skin: Oriana

New Skin for Oriana is going to be released after 4.21 patch! The name of the New Skin is WINTER WONDER ORIANA